
Saturday, June 12, 2010


Copyright by Janet Bigelow

Info-Talks Vol. 1 April 2010

Government Restraints!

   ( Warning potential Activist Material )

This manuscript is just a natural progression for me and perhaps for potential activist who happen to be escape artists. I think about what I have seen, what I have experienced and how things were in America when I was young. My parents, their friends and millions of other Americans of that day were good people, wonderful people. If they were here today and understood the restraints of the Federal Government, they would be horrified. They would not be confused with the veil of pretend everything is fine or political correctness.

What kind of people would allow this system to arrest an 8 year old child, put him in jail and charge him with making terrorist threats because when in the school lunch line the boy told his friends, “don't eat all the potato’s or I will get you?” Who would do this to a child? It happened and so did all of the below.

”Terroristic threats issued for having “hate lists” such as a child writing that they don't like Michael Jackson.”

“Public policy towards children has moved towards treating them more like adults and in ways that increasingly mimic the adult criminal justice system. The most recent version of this movement is so-called "zero tolerance" in schools, where theories of punishment that were once directed to adult criminals are now applied to first graders”

“Even worse, some schools now skip sending kids to the principal's office and instead send them straight to jail. "Zero tolerance" has come to mean that normal kids who pull normal school pranks find themselves not on suspension but in jail.”

I am now quoting from, The Journal of Law and Education; April 2007; 36,2; Criminal Justice Periodicals, herein referred to as (ZT).

“ One example of context and intent is found in Ratner V. Loudon County Public schools. “Ratner was a 13-year old student. He took a knife away from a fellow student because the student told him she was going to commit suicide with it. Ratner put the knife in his locker. The school administrator found out about the knife. The dean of the school sent Ratner by himself to retrieve the knife. Ratner was suspended from school for four months for possessing the weapon even though the dean acknowledged that Ratner acted in the best interest of the girl and that he did not present a threat to anyone. The suspension was upheld by Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals stating that there was no violation of Ratners procedural due process rights.”

If this happened when I was in school that boy would have been praised for trying to save a young girls life. Now with our new and so called educated system he is treated like a criminal. These people are not your friends!

Why is it that when many laws are made they have so much collateral damage and it is acceptable to people in charge?

Arbitrary power is most easily established on the ruins of liberty abused to licentiousness.

-= Circular to the States, May 9, 1753 =- George Washington

(ZT) In an article called Zero Tolerance and the Paradox of Fairness: View Points of the Classroom it states, Cathrine Krebs an attorney for the Children’s Law Center in Boston asserts that, “Zero Tolerance does away with the entire concept of innocent until proven guilty.”

The government has ruined our school system with a failed formula that was a tool for drug agents. (ZT) “Historically, Zero Tolerance began as a congressional initiative to control drugs, weapons, and violent behavior.”

The drug agents won't even use it, so the government got it into the school system. A child, who put soap in his teachers coffee was arrested and taken to jail. There are hundreds of horror stories resulting from the Federal intrusion into the public school system.

What kind on mental and spiritual damages comes from locking an eight year old child in jail? The child must be in a total state of panic.

How can a parent make a child feel safe when they have no control over the situation? What the hell are we doing to each other by pitting parents, teachers,

administrators and police against each other?

With all the brilliant minds in Washington the best plan they came up with is suspend all rights, do away with right and wrong and punish both the guilty and the innocent. No one should tolerate this.

Zero Tolerance works just like this. Joe comes to school and starts shooting at people. Bill gets hit but fights back anyway. He beats Joe up and takes his gun away saving his fellow students. Bill is hailed as a hero but gets thrown out for fighting because that’s what zero tolerance means.

Let’s take one more situation. Someone puts a gun in you sons backpack or in his locker. Your son gets caught but investigation shows it was planted and they find the person who planted the gun and he confesses, your son still gets expelled for having a gun under these rules.

The government holds back Federal money to school departments if they refuse to allow the Feds to abuse American children. It’s Federal Government who should be on the terrorist watch list! It seems to me that this is a form of organized child abuse. Just go on line and read about all the abused school children from the effects of Zero Tolerance

If people from my parent’s time were alive now there would be hell to pay for treating kids this way. The great generation did not fight and die for less freedom

or to have our own government take it away. If the government is serious about taking our freedom at least we can go down fighting and giving these bullies a battle that they will never recover their former power from.

Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves are its only safe depositories. Thomas Jefferson I will hereafter refer to Jefferson as (TJ).

Does anyone one really believe that young people who go over the edge and plan to go to school to kill others, actually think, Oh I better not do it in our school because we have Zero Tolerance? The fact that kids are being abused not only by other students but by their own government gives them all the more reason to go off.

Any escape artist with activist blood who believes in real freedom as our American and divine right should work to undo the many Federal restraints that harm our way of life. The government bribes with money, bullies with power and crushes those who get in their way.

Leave no authority existing not responsible to the people. (TJ)

If only we could make fifty percent of the Federal Government disappear, we would have a tremendous audience. The straightjacket of “G Men” is getting tighter and tighter. It’s choking the life out of the concept of Freedom in America. Laws and rules that we don't need and methods equal to thugs are tying the hands of people the nation and our military.

There are people all over America rising up in mass protest of government intrusion and of government spending. I think things like, “They are not even going to read a bill” before our elected officials pass it, speaks negative to the heart of millions of Americans who know better. Washington is full of lawyers who would not let us sign anything before reading it if they represented us yet our Senators do just that.

What can an activist escape artist do about problems so huge? You can do anything that is legal. You can also get in a lot of trouble even if it is legal because many government personnel and institutions are brutal. Work to reverse the process. You can use your act to raise money and promote your cause. You can do shows for politicians who will fight the fight against this system. You could organize non violent student protest and say hell no we are not taking the blame for protecting ourselves from violent people.

Send this message to school officials. “Do your job and deal with the problem or we will be your next problem!”

Expose these people through letters to the editor. Make film and documents the horror stories. The government is like the “Blob.” It is oozing its slime in every crack and crevice of our lives and into places it should never be.

There is a situation now where some people want to honor teachers for their work as public school teachers at an Assembly of God Church. It is not on school time or property. The school they work for is saying no. The teachers cannot wear anything that identifies them as a teacher at the event nor can they stand up and be honored as teachers or they will be in trouble. This is serious. It is not just about Christianity, it is about freedom of religion itself.

It is not enough these self ordained dictators have control over the schools now they want power inside the church. I hope many churches come together and bring the hammer down on these administrators so hard they never want any part of school business in America again.

There are people all over America in positions of power feeding off of state and federal powers for funding and back up to take our freedom away. They are thugs and punks who without that power behind them would be little cowards on their own. Houdini said, the government is relentless about going after people.

Will we ever have real freedom again? The more we loose it the more I remember when Russian leader Nakita Kruschev said, “We will bury your children.” Compared to my parent’s generation we are buried alive under so many so called legal restraints that our real freedom is something we must take back. Did all the people who fought and died expect we would allow a takeover from within?

Zero Tolerance is a policy of “We will punish everyone guilty or not.” That is anti human, anti free and therefore anti American. The worst wrinkle is that we need the Federal Government. There are hordes of people around the world that want to kill us. It won't matter what religion we are in, what color we are, life style, Christian, agnostic, atheists, humanitarian child or adult, they will kill us all. There is one common denominator and that is we are Americans.

Our Government is drunk on its own power. I could not imagine this country would ever ask young people to fight a war and die for our country and then turn around and put our special forces on trial for punching a terrorist. To me charging them is what an act of treason is.

While the government is taking our rights the president is giving rights to violent Islamic Killers. Mass murders who claim to do the will of god. Why don't these cowards kill in their own name?

Every aspect of America is being attacked by people who say things like, “The flag offends me“. “Religion offends me“. “That sign offends me“. “Christmas offends me“. These people offend me so does that cancel out their complaint since I have my own complaint? Religion is the main target and the assault on it needs to be crushed because of the evil that may fill its void when it is gone.

Although I am not a Christian having been raised in Christian churches I have to ask what the press does not, why did the president say, this was no longer a Christian nation? Was it just an off remark?

Was there intent and what exactly was that intent? He could have said we are an all inclusive nation regarding religion. Who is the president to announce that? He wasn't voted president of religion in America? What religion does he represent by making that remark?

The president boasts about seeking out his Marxist college professors. I bet he got an A in his Marxist courses. How about the White house having a picture of Mao Zedong on the Christmas tree? There is a pair of opposites,

Santa Clause and Mao or Jesus and Mao. That is a blatant slap in the face to millions and millions of Americans. Especially those who died and those who lost loved ones fighting communist.

If we put Ted Bundy on a bulb there would have been an uproar. But it seems Mao the killer of millions is fine. This guy even murdered a million in Tibet, killing people who live a life to, “do no harm.” And this demon destroyed about six thousand Buddhist monasteries. Yet our president had Mao over for Christmas on the tree. The most effective Marxist are the ones we don't see before it is to late.

This dictator power runs down all the way to our own home and schools.

I have years of experience with schools and Zero Tolerance and I have Zero Tolerance for it.

I received a call one day from a principal who said my youngest daughter was involved in a fight with a boy. Knowing full well this would involve zero tolerance I asked the principal, did she start the fight? He said no. I asked the principal, did she say or do anything to encourage it? He said no. Then he went on to explain. The boy grabbed my daughter’s ear and swung her around. The ear ring tore out. Then he started chocking her with the chain around her neck.

It was then she struck him. For that they both got thrown out of school for three days. How the hell does that teach a boy not to assault a girl? It encourages boys. It is bad enough they punished her at all but to give her the same punishment as her attacker is just evil.

To make matters worse, if it went to court they both would be charged with assault. I even wrote to a school committee member and asked how far could a boy in school go with a girl before she had the right to defend herself? Would rape do it? The answer that came back said, Zero tolerance means just that.

That’s when I became a sworn enemy of Zero Tolerance.

I remember an America that if your daughter got beat up by a boy, he would have been in trouble not her.

Public schools are incubators for some education and every foul thing an innocent child can learn. It comes from the educational systems we called public schools. Never in America should anyone be punished when they have done nothing wrong. There is no more right or wrong in public schools. If the schools have the right to suspend all of your rights, you certainly have the right to peaceful objection. Any answer from officials about, “that is the way it is“, is not acceptable.

Texas Zero Tolerance Press Release (08/19/2009)

The passage of House Bill 171 and the accompanying amendments is a good first step toward restoring common sense to school discipline. We must all keep in mind that the state-mandated disciplinary procedures were designed to insure safe campuses and maintain discipline and nothing more. Utilizing a draconian practice of discipline, referred to as “zero tolerance”, has been exposed through mountains of studies to have zero effect in securing campuses

If you're attacked in school you're taught to take the beating.

If you're attacked on the street there is a good chance you will be arrested if you fight back. If you defend yourself in your home, you could be charged with a

crime. People are all the time. What I see is a plan to alter people’s thoughts so they no longer believe they have a right to self defense. Nature herself teaches us that we do have the right of self defense! Where is the voice of reason in all of this?

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. (TJ)

A person who does not have the right of self defense does not have freedom!

“America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Abraham Lincoln

Norman Bigelow

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